♦ BRONZE MEDAL, Belgian Young Horse Championships 5 year-old 2006 (Wilm Vermeir)
♦ BRONZE MEDAL, World Young Horse Championships 5 year-old, Lanaken (W. Vermeir)
♦ SILVER MEDAL, Belgian Young Horse Championships 6 year-old 2007 (W. Vermeir)
♦ 11th, Birmingham CSI3* (Guy Williams)
♦ participation CSI5* Hickstead & CSI4* Bourg en Bresse (Harrie Smolders)
♦ participation CSI5* Mechelen & CSI4* Lummen (W. Vermeir)
Offspring / Produits
♦ 80th WBFSH Top100 2016 Jumping Sires
♦ HEARTBREAKER VD ACHTERHOE, 1m60 & Champion de France 6 year-old 2013
♦ SEACOAST IDEO D’O, 1m55 & Champion de Belgique 7 year-old 2015
♦ GENTLEY, 1m60
♦ GUESS 6, 1m60 , WINNER CSI5* Doha
♦ GOOGLE, 1m50
In 2016, Bentley is ranked first in the sire rankings on HorseTelex for his age group, his eldest offspring are now 11 years old. Like Cornet Obolensky, Bentley’s breeding includes the winning combination of Clinton x Heartbreaker. His motherline is one of the most prestigious in Belgium and resulted in well-known jumpers like Utrillo vd Heffinck, Upsilon vd Heffinck, Uzi, Conrad de la Vie Z etc. His dam Souvenir was victorious with Wim Vermeir at GP level and his granddam Kinette produced the outstanding Quel Homme vd Heffinck. And don’t forget the presence of the famous Nimmerdor in his pedigree, damsire of our Kannan (WBFSH #2, 2015).
Bentley was retired after a sports career at 1m50 level with several riders (Guy Williams, Harrie Smolders, Wilm Vermeir) and has become a successful sire. He is already the sire of the French 5 and 6yo champions and the Belgian 5, 6 and 7yo champions (not even Kannan has done this). Respect towards jumping and his super mentality are deeply embedded in Bentley’s genes. His offspring are awarded for their strong backs, impressive back end strength and perfect front end technique.
Just like himself Bentley’s personality is big and strong, he loves nothing more than being groomed and then rolling in the mud.
2016 belegt Bentley den ersten Platz im Vererberranking seiner Altersklasse auf HorseTelex, seine ältesten Nachkommen sind 11 Jahre alt. Wie auch Cornet Obolensky, stammt Bentley aus einer bewährten Clinton x Heartbreaker Kreuzung. Seine Mutterlinie zählt zu den erfolgreichsten Belgiens und brachte mehrere bekannte Stars wie Utrillo vd Heffinck, Uzi, Upsilon vd Heffinck oder Caresse Le Reve). Bentleys Mutter Souvenir war selbst bis GP erfolgreich unter Wilm Vermeir und ist eine Halbschwester zu Quel Homme vd Heffinck. Zu guter Letzt führt Bentley auch Nimmerdor im Stammbaum, den Muttervater von unserem Kannan (WBFSH #2, 2015). Nach einer Sportkarriere im 1m 50 Bereich unter verschiedenen Reitern (Guy Williams, Harrie Smolders, Wilm Vermeir) wird Bentley nun ausschließlich in der Zucht eingesetzt. Respekt am Sprung und der super Charakter des Hengstes sind fest in den Genen verankert. Nachkommen erreichen Prämienstatus dank ihrem starken Rücken, ausgezeichneter Hinterhandaktion und super Technik am Sprung.
Rising Stars
Bentley van de Heffink
BWP, 2001, 172cm
Approved for: SF, BWP, Z,SbS, AES, ISH
breeding fee : €800 + VAT and shipping, live foal guarantee included
Stationed at: The Stallion Company France, La Jouanie, 12800 Castelmary, France
Owner: The Stallion Company
Upsilon Van De Heffinck | Clinton | Corrado |
Urte | ||
Ovanna Van De Heffinck | Darco | |
Havanna Van De Heffinck | ||
Souvenir Van De Heffinck | Heartbreaker | Nimmerdor |
Barcarole | ||
Kinette Van De Heffinck | Pachat II | |
Dinette |