♦ Premium Stallion, Holsteiner Körung (Approval) 2003
♦ Stallion Testing (HLP): Total 140,19 points (Jump:137,70, Dr: 120,78)
♦ WINNER, 5 Klasse-L events 1m20 (Lars Bak Andersen)
Offspring / Produits
♦ Holsteiner Breeding Index (foal evaluation): 132 points
♦ CRISTOBAL, 1m60 &WINNER CSI5* Rome (John Whitaker)
♦ CANTARA, 1m60
♦ COOL MAN, 1m60
♦ CRISTO , 1m55
♦ CRISCORR H, 1m55
♦ CHRISTOS, 1m50
♦ CAPRICE 463, 1m50
Cristo is ranked 12th best stallion of his age group in terms of offspring performances by Horsetelex (oldest offspring 11). This bay blood-typed stallion has two of the modern Holstein foundation sires in his pedigree: Contender (sired Contendro, Checkmate, Montender etc.) and Carthago (sired Mylord Carthago, Davos, Old Chap Tame, etc.). Cristo’s damline Holstein 1859 confers him famous relatives including the outstanding sire Landadel and the famous Calvaro, who won silver medal at Atlanta Olympics and was best horse at WEG in Rome ridden by Willi Melliger. Cristo’s offspring are expressive and athletic with elastic movement largely above the average, like himself. They are regularly primed for their perfect balance and volunteer energy. As a chic stallion with modern type, his talented offspring has not finished making Cristo popular. The quality of his semen is top. Cristo has head turning good looks which are often commented on by visitors of the stud, he also has a cheeky boy personality and enjoys spending his days in the field.
Cristo ist 2016 12.bester Springvererber seiner Altersklasse laut HorseTelex. Dieser braune blutgeprägte Hengst stammt von zwei Stempelhengsten der modernen Holsteinerzucht ab: Contender (Vater v. Contendro, Montender, Checkmate) und Carthago (Vater v. Mylord Carthago, Davos, Old Chap Tame). Der Stutenstamm 1859 beschert Cristo prominente Verwandtschaft, darunter der Ausnahmevererber Landadel sowie Willi Melligers Calvaro, der Silber in Atlanta holte und bei den Weltreiterspielen in Rom als bestes Pferd des Jahres gefeiert wurde. Cristos Nachkommen fallen durch Ausdrucksstärke und überdurchschnittlichem Bewegungspotenzial auf. Die Fohlen stehen hoch im Blut und erben das korrekte Fundament sowie die sehr guten Grundgangarten. Mit einem Grossanteil von prämierter Nachzucht weist Cristo einen Zuchtindex von 130 auf, damit einer der höchsten aller Holsteiner Hengste.
Rising Stars
Holsteiner, 2001, 169 cm
Approved for: Holst, Z, AES
Breeding fee : €900 + VAT and shipping, live foal guarantee included.
Stationed at: Elestorps Gård, Elestorpsvägen 184, 275 95 Sjöbo, Sweden
Owner: The Stallion Company
Contender | Calypso | Coe de la Bryere |
Tabelle | ||
Gofine | Ramiro | |
Cita | ||
Gala II | Carthago | Capitol |
Perra | ||
Puppe | Ladykiller | |
Cornelia |